Delight yourself or your loved ones by purchasing a gift voucher for all the services of our hotel. Just fill in the contact form, then our reception will contact you. Can’t choose or hesitate? Do not hesitate to contact us , we will be happy to help you.

Voucher offer validity: 01.10. – 22.12.2022 and 19.03. – 30.11.2023 (outside the period 07.04 – 09.04.2023)

* The minimum issuance of the voucher is for 2 or more nights

  • An excellent breakfast will start your active day
  • Accommodation
  • Parking in the hotel parking lot
  • Wi-fi connection
  • Entrance to the Lesania hotel Wellness & Spa center (not valid on the day of departure, valid for a stay of 2 nights) / Children under 12 years old can enter until 8:00 p.m. / from 8:00 p.m. entry only for adults – no-swimwear zone
  • Children playground

In case of interest in other additional services such as e.g. Dinners, massages, … do not hesitate to contact us.

Voucher offer validity: from 7.1.2025 to 30.4.2025 (except Easter holiday from 17.4 to 22.4.2025)

* The minimum issuance of the voucher is for 2 or more nights

  • An excellent breakfast will start your active day
  • Accommodation
  • Parking in the hotel parking lot
  • Wi-fi connection
  • Entrance to the Lesania hotel Wellness & Spa center (not valid on the day of departure, valid for a stay of 2 nights) / Children under 12 years old can enter until 8:00 p.m. / from 8:00 p.m. entry only for adults – no-swimwear zone
  • Children playground

In case of interest in other additional services such as e.g. Dinners, massages, … do not hesitate to contact us.

I am interested in a gift voucher